2016 OWC Writing Contest

Write a bookThe 2016 Oregon Writers Colony writing contest is open to OWC members and nonmembers.

Entries that meet the guidelines below will be accepted until the last date for electronic submissions, August 15, 2016.

We accept the following types of entries, with a maximum word count of 2,500 in all categories:

  • Fiction: short stories and first chapters of novels
  • Nonfiction: narrative nonfiction short stories and narrative nonfiction first chapters

We are not including a poetry category this year.

Awards in Each Category

1st place: $200

2nd place: $75

3rd place: One-year OWC membership or renewal

All winners will be featured on the OWC website, on the OWC Facebook page, and in the quarterly Colonygram.

Fee per entry

$30 per entry for OWC members
$35 per entry for nonmembers
If you want a written critique from the judging panel, add $15 to your entry fee.

Submission Guidelines (electronic only)

We will be using Submittable, the submission manager.

To submit your short story, please have a word document or PDF ready to upload and be prepared to pay via debit or credit card, as well as Paypal. Submissions can be made through Submittable.

Be sure your name does not appear anywhere on the manuscript.

Multiple submissions are OK, but please submit each one separately with a separate payment.

Contest fee is nonrefundable. Entries not meeting the stated criteria will be disqualified.


All judges are published authors with editing experience.

Enter Your Manuscript


Questions? Email Marlene

Image: Write In Journal via photopin (license)