Cindy BrownCindy Brown is announcing the Ivy GetYour Gun Book Launch Party!, Wednesday, May 17, 2017, at 7 pm. Ivy GetYour Gun Book Launch Party! happens at O’Connors Vault, 7850 S.W. Capitol Highway, Portland, OR 97219.

It’s a Rootin’ Tootin’ Good Time with a Cowboy-Themed Book Launch Party!

Come on down to Multnomah Village for a free theater event and party, complete with cowboy poetry, live country-western music, and free cake!

I’ll be joined by local actors Michele Mariana, David Withers, Brian Tennison, and Bruce Miles, along with the country-western band the Harmony Ranchers with Paulette Rees-Denis! Annie Bloom’s Books will be on hand to sell books, and there will be free cake and a cash bar.