Lori L. Lake, Sandra de Helen, and Sue Hardesty will read from the new crime fiction anthology, “Lesbians on the Loose: Crime Writers on the Lam,” from 6:30 to 8 p.m. June 18 at Another Read Through, 3932 N. Mississippi Ave. in Portland.
The lesbians on the loose in this collection are an entertaining mix of protagonists: cops, amateur sleuths, a PI, a judge, a bounty hunter, and one very insightful dog. There’s even an intrepid high schooler and a mystery writer.
Despite greed and grief, rage and revenge, secrets and lies, many of the stories feature humor from a variety of characters trying to find their way in a difficult world—cops who’ve seen too much, revenge seekers, and women who want justice for themselves and others.
These three contributors to the anthology will read briefly, answer questions, and sign.
Their other works will also be available.