Why Join Oregon Writers Colony?

The world of writing (and publishing our written words) continues to change as we enter an era dominated by AI and other digital forces.We at Oregon Writers Colony are eager to help our membership and the greater writing community adapt to these changes. We strive always to look ahead for new opportunities and ways to build community in support of your writing life.

Your membership dues help support writers’ residencies at Colonyhouse, sponsor workshops and other programs, pay the bills, and keep Colonyhouse in good repair (indeed, our gem on the dune is high maintenance!).

In addition, residency application fees are waived for members in good standing.*
Because for writers, one thing hasn’t changed: the imperative to sit and write. And sometimes, what is most needed is a quiet place of inspiration and respite from the madding crowd. Colonyhouse is like no other and may just be the place where your muse will awaken with joy and creative vitality.

Please consider joining Oregon Writers Colony, one of the oldest writing communities in the Pacific Northwest.

*We are in the process of changing our reservation system and criteria for using Colonyhouse.