Literary Lounge

Oregon Writers Colony offers quarterly quarterly gatherings, that give participants — both members and non-members — an opportunity to connect with each other and with some of the most fascinating literary voices around.

The Literary Lounge presents a panel discussion followed by round-table conversation with the panelists. Get your questions answered, hear the authors talk at greater length about their topics and about the art and business of writing. It’s a perfect chance to develop and deepen your relationships with the thought-provoking and entertaining writing community in Oregon.

The Literary Lounge gatherings are free for OWC members and their guests; $5 suggested donation for nonmembers.


Elements of Editing, After the First Draft
Join OWC on Dec 3, 2015 7-9pm at TaborSpace 5441 SE Belmont as our panel of experts explains the various types of editing and how you can turn an uneven  early draft into a work of art.
Panelists, Anne Hawley, Susan Kelly, Cait Spivey, Bryan Reid and Heather Flournoy will speak about editing from developmental to structural to line to copy to proof. After intros and Q&A we will break out into smaller groups to facilitate answering all your questions.
Fiction, nonfiction and NaNoWroMos are welcome! Free to members $5 suggested donation for nonmembers. Coffee and tea available from the TaborSpace coffee shop.
Cait_Spivy_author_headshotCait Spivey’s love of books and stories inevitably led to a passion for their construction and development. As an editor, Cait pulls from her lifelong experience loving books to bring forth the best elements of every story in a way that grabs the reader and doesn’t let go. She wants to help books tug heartstrings. She wants
to help books become heirlooms. She wants to help books get quoted on Tumblr. In addition to her editing work, she is a dark fantasy author.


                                                                                    Susan Kelly of Gomboc Words is a developmental editor, writing coach and teacher, with a near-obsessive interest in the structure of story and deep liking for writers. She works with fiction and creative nonfiction writers at all stages of their journeys from a vague notion of a story concept to a completed draft.




Pod Casts and book trailers with Shawn Marie Bryan.

June Key Delta Community Center (5940 N Albina Ave, Portland, OR 97217) 7-9pm


February 3

Story Structure with Lori Lake.

Taborspace (5441 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR 97215) 7-9pm


March 23

Membership Night.

TaborSpace  (5441 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR 97215) 7-9pm


April 13

Verse of Ages. Poetry readers from 10-90 years old.

TaborSpace  (5441 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR 97215) 7-9pm


May 11

Marketing Panel

Taborspace  (5441 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR 97215) 7-9pm


June 8

Book Design from Cover to Text

TaborSpace  (5441 SE Belmont St, Portland, OR 97215) 7-9pm



Everything You Still Need to Know About Publishing

June Key Delta Community Center  (5940 N Albina Ave, Portland, OR 97217) 7-9pm


September TBD

Story Slam


December TBD

Finishing Touches

June Key Delta Community Center (5940 N Albina Ave, Portland, OR 97217)