The Rain or Shine Reading Series brings Oregon writers to read their works in the intimate setting of a coffee shop.
Oregon Writers Colony has partnered with Bill Cameron and Rain or Shine Coffee House to create the Thursday evening reading series. Readers may be published or unpublished writers. OWC handles scheduling, and Bill handles the readers. OWC volunteers serve as hosts, introducing the readers. You do not have to be an OWC member to participate.
All readings begin at 7 p.m. Thursdays at Rain or Shine Coffee House, 5941 SE Division St. A special thanks goes to Rain or Shine owners Molly and Clare, who make this all possible.
If you would like to sign up to read, check the schedule online for an open date, then send an email to Holly Franko with “Rain or Shine reader” in the subject line.
If you would like to introduce the writers for an evening or two, send an email to Holly Franko with “Rain or Shine host” in the subject line.
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