Jump Start Meet-Ups are small discussion groups based on specific topics.
Meetings will be in coffee shops and cafes, informal but consistently available when scheduled. NO formal registration is required. Meet-Ups will be held monthly and will last from one to three hours.
Interested in becoming a Jump Start Meet-Up Leader? We need members willing to answer some questions about OWC, and members who want to connect with others to share information on specific topics. Leaders would be willing to track attendance, and write small evaluations of the events. They do not have to be experts, or know everything… just willing to share ideas, resources, connect, and agree to find OWC answers for folks. Be sure to add your name to the contact sheet if you want to lead a Meet-Up.
Scheduled Meet-Ups:
September 24th, 6:30pm -9:00pm
TaborSpace, 5441 Southeast Belmont St. Portland, OR 97215 503.238.3904
Get To Know the OWC – Free Mini-Workshops by Lidia Yuknavitch, Pauls Toutonghi, Carl Adamshick, and More
Oregon Book Awards People’s Choice winner Lidia Yuknavitch, Stafford/Hall Award recipient Carl Adamshick, Pushcart Prize winner Pauls Toutonghi, and others teach free mini-workshops. Topics include fiction, memoir, poetry, small press publishing, and book publicity.
Founder Marlene Howard and President Sarah Gilbert will follow with entertaining stories about the historic Colonyhouse.
This event launches our October membership drive. Members, please invite friends. Non-members, please come and learn more about our multi-generational writing community, and stay for refreshments and mingling!
For more information, please e-mail Marlene Howard at marlenehow@comcast.net.