The Multnomah County Library is embarking on a new project to build a collection of self-published works by local authors. They are soliciting self-published authors who are also library members to submit their work for consideration.
The Library Writers Project is an opportunity for writers of fiction to get their self-published books into the hands of the most avid readers around – library patrons.
Self-publish your work through Smashwords for free. (You must hold all the rights to the work.) Library staff readers will review submissions and choose a number of e-books to purchase from Smashwords and make available to library patrons through the Overdrive e-book platform.
Still need to build your writing chops? Multnomah County Library will offer a wide range of free classes and workshops through the fall. Get inspired. Learn and practice the craft of writing. And get your books into the hands of your future fans. Find more details about how to submit and the class offerings here.