Jo Barney announces the publication of Uprush, a rewrite of a novel originally issued as an e-book. She said the new paperback edition has a new title, cover and text via Createspace.
In Uprush, four old friends meet at a beach house for their usual coming together to drink wine, complain about husbands, or the lack of them, compare upper arm flab–the usual stuff old friends do. Except this time one of them, Madge, a writer, asks the other three to help her commit suicide. She has a good reason. Her friends, once they learn it, agree to help her, despite misgivings and great sadness. Madge has a gift for them, no matter what happens: her take on their lives over the past forty-some years, her last novel, stories which will change their futures.
Barney also says her first book, Graffiti Grandma, has received starred reviews from Kirkus, “A gripping book with compelling characters who don’t want your pity,” and from Publishers Weekly.