OWC members will have an opportunity to promote their books at Stumptown Lit, the festival for readers and writers happening Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014, at Cheatham Hall in the World Forestry Center in Portland.

Along with carts of coffee and snacks, readings from Oregon authors, and tables of publishers, booksellers and other supporters of the literary arts, the afternoon book fair, from noon to 5 p.m. will feature tables displaying books by OWC members.

Space considerations confine the books to one per author, but you may also display a small stack of business cards with contact information, information about yourself or information about your books, in whatever proportions you choose.

Authors who have registered a book will also be able to sell as many of their titles as they wish through Another Read Through bookstore, which has agreed to  offer these books for sale on a 50-percent consignment basis.

Thanks for Your Interest

Registration is closed for the OWC Authors’ Books table at Stumptown Lit 2014.

But be sure to come by and browse the tables and exhibits, listen to our Oregon authors reading their works, and enjoy a fall afternoon of literary camaraderie.

See you there.